Viewed from above, the entire earth seems silent. Yet it's light (reflected from the sun) can be seen from millions of miles away.
And Light is not only the fastest thing in existence - but, also, possibly the most adept traveller too; able to traverse unimaginable expanses of space!
Thus, when the illuminated Earth reflects the light of the sun out into the heavens - that light is set on course to travel for eternity. . . and, in thousands of years time, if a civilisation on the other side of our galaxy were able to view our planet with their own telescopes, they would technically be gazing back in history, seeing us exactly as we are now. (Such is the vastness of our universe!)
But, while these are pretty basic ideas to anyone with even a small interest in physics . . . . it brings to my mind another even more interesting thought when considering our own place in all of this.
Because any time we ourselves stand in the light of the sun, (and under a clear sky) . . . the same light that illuminates our earth, illuminates our body too. And, by extension, our image is similarly being projected out into the depths of space.
Hence if that hypothetical civilization we mentioned a moment ago - fixing their eyes on earth in a thousand years time - were to zoom in close enough . . . they would literally be able to see us going about our own day to day life too. (And from their perspective, all of this would seem to be happening "in the present" . . . though, by our own concept of "earth time", these events would already be 1000 years old!)
So, in that respect - is our existence here on earth really as transient or temporary as we are often led to believe?
Yes, our physical life is tragically short. There is no doubt about that.
But clearly, our physical death is not the end of our existence - because for every single moment that we have lived under the light of the sun, our existence has been essentially immortalized . . . projecting out into the heavens like echoes in a silent chamber, or ripples in a still lake.
Thus, what happens in this life can never be taken back - but, also, can never be fully erased either!
And if it so happens that societies located one million or one billion light years from now also eventually train their telescopes on the earth too . . . then, rest assured, your existence will still appear to them exactly as it is now. As if each moment of this life really does last forever.
This is probably why a lot of ancient spiritual beliefs tend to centre around this idea of us "transcending" this physical existence . . . and eventually becoming "beings of light".
In essence, it is quite literally true! We will exist far longer in the form of projected sunlight than we do in material!
But, also, it goes to show how the theory of an "afterlife" where we somehow go on to meet up again with lost loved ones (in any of their past forms) may also not be so very farfetched!
After all, if light can preserve each moment forever . . . then, to rediscover that moment again, it is simply a matter of catching up with the light!
In other words, if we could travel far enough, and fast enough - we would eventually find ourselves able to "look back" at the earth both in distance, and in time . . . just as the case was with the hypothetical civilisation we mentioned earlier.
Now, of course, modern Physics tells us that this is entirely impossible!
The distances of our universe are far too vast . . . and nothing made of matter can travel faster than the speed of light.
But remember, we are now imagining an existence "after life" - i.e a state beyond physical matter! Probably far closer to a state of pure thought or fundamental consciousness.
So, let's use that as an excuse just to let our minds run free for a moment . . . and imagine that there is a way (in mind, body, or spirit) for us to outpace the speed of light.
If we set off from earth right now, and perfectly matched light speed . . . as we look back at the earth, absolutely everything would be preserved exactly as it is now. As if frozen in time - on eternal replay.
But if we increased our speed further, and then looked back again . . . we would be able to see the earth as it was in our own past. Finding younger versions of ourselves again . . . or our lost loved ones (At any stage of their life). . . or our ancestors . . . or all of our long deceased heroes from history!
It would be like having access to all the ages of mankind "on demand" - simple by controlling the speed at which we travel.
And, if in all this journeying, we find a particular time period we enjoy the most . . . we simply match it's speed, and continue to observe endlessly.
Because, remember, anything that existed once under the eyes of the sun . . . exists forever in the preserve of light!
So, rest assured, it will be many generations before we develop the spacecrafts and physical technology to accomplish this feat of travel.
But - in the realms of thought, or imagination, or meditation . . . the ability may not be so impossible after all.
Throughout most of human history, there has been this archetypical belief that the "spirits" of our ancestors live on all around us.
And intuitively, we tend to look for them in the heavens above . . . because, frankly, that is exactly where all light goes.
Thus, no treasured memory is ever fully erased.
And none of our loved ones are ever truly gone - or cast out from this existence.
Everything that ever was - and ever can be - has been preserved in a light which, one day, we will learn how to catch up with again.
