George Bothamley
Create Art For Eternity
Don't Abandon Your Soul

George Bothamley is a writer, artist and author of
two Substack Newsletters:
Photo Meditations - a weekly publication, sharing a mixture of philosophy, poetry, prose, photography and drawings - all with the aim of helping readers to see the world in a whole new way.
Art Every Day - A bestselling publication, which helps readers explore accessible insights into the historical stories, and hidden secrets behind some of the world's greatest artworks.
Though predominately self educated, George devoted much of his time growing up to the study of classic literature, spirituality, psychology, and a wide variety of philosophical schools.
He is the author of 3 books (so far), along with other short stories and essay collections.
And his original artworks can be seen in the gallery section of this website - where you will also find information about buying or commissions.
"George is one of the most intelligent and insightful men I know.
His understanding of the human condition and ability to communicate complex ideas simply is a pure joy for me.
You’re a master in highlighting the less obvious aspects, leading us to a new appreciation
Philosophical and poetic. . . thanks George for your incredible insight. I’m always learning something new from you
Ms D.K
inspirational always

Favourite books
Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace, Ana Karenina and Resurrection
Homer: The Iliad and The Odyssey
Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo,
Victor Hugo: Les Miserables,
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'urbervilles
Gaston Leroux: The Phantom of The Opera,
Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White
Ovid: Metamorphosis
Dante - Inferno
William Shakespeare: Othello & Julius Caesar
(Non Fiction)
Marcus Aurelius: The Meditations
Carl Jung: Modern man in search of a soul
The Letters of Seneca
The Discourses of Epictetus
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh
The Writings of Leonardo da Vinci
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Plato: Apology & Republic
Viktor Frankl: Man's Search for Meaning
Confucius' Analects,
The Tao Te Ching,

Artistic/Creative influences
(Artists & Writers)
Vincent van Gogh
Leonardo da Vinci
Pablo Picasso
Sandro Botticelli
Lord Byron
Charles Bukowski
Leo Tolstoy
Carl Jung
Marcus Aurelius
(Art Styles)
Romantic era
Impressionism/Post Impressionism
Ancient Art